Definition November 2023 - Web


WORDS Will Lawrence

Ahead of their masterclass at the Banff Centre Mountain Film & Book Festival, adventure filmmakers Keith Partridge and Michael Brown share the secrets to capturing the thrill of the wild O ne of the annual highlights at the Banff Centre Mountain Film and Book Festival is the options, distribution, as well as the art of storytelling and narration plus technology and sound on location. The course also studies post-production,

Across his 30-year career, Keith Partridge has won an international Emmy for his cinematography on the BBC series Human Planet ; the Guild of Television Camera Professionals’ Award for Excellence for filming an exploratory expedition into the lost worlds of Venezuela; and the Explorers Festival’s Camera Extreme Award for his work on the seminal docudrama Touching the

Adventure Filmmakers Workshop, which, over the course of ten busy days, unravels the complex world any aspiring adventure filmmaker needs to navigate in order to make a successful movie. It covers production development and planning, budgeting and funding

sound and music, as well as taking filmmakers out into the open to shoot their own movie. The workshop is hosted by two highly experienced, multi-award- winning adventure filmmakers — Keith Partridge and Michael Brown.



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