FEED Issue 07


testing and using the analytics of a quality video platform will help you to tune into what is the best type of content to present and the best place to present it. CLEVER ABOUT SOCIAL MEDIA Social media can be an essential part of the toolkit in forming a relationship with your customers and building a community around your brand. But again, what’s your strategy? We’ve found that social platforms are typically about trying to attract new eyeballs and new audiences rather than customers that are deeper in the buying cycle and already have awareness of the brand. What works best for that is short, snappy content to entice the audience seeing you on a social platform to engage with you at a deeper level. When you can get them on to your own site, you have much better control over brand experience and can capture a lot more data. One thing you need to bear in mind when distributing video on social media

platforms is what you might be signing away in terms of rights. Be sure that whatever agreements you have to click through when uploading content don’t put you in a position you might regret later. Some platforms may have redistribution rights or some kind of ownership rights over the content you post. Depending on what your content is, you might want to exercise some caution before stampeding through a bunch of “accept” buttons and automatically agreeing to all terms. Most of the time that isn’t going to be a problem for you, but there are some highly compliant industries – in the financial sector – who are proceeding with caution about uploading their video content onto certain platforms.


which take just a little bit of imagination and planning, can make all the difference. Engagement with your content will also be dependent on the tastes and habits of the consumers who want to interact with your brand. You may have a lot of assumptions about these, but doing A/B

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