FEED Issue 10


project, helping to implement Portal and providing ongoing support. Yonsei church was the first of Cantemo’s customers to have the Portal interface entirely translated into the Korean language.” He continues, “Cantemo Portal is a media asset management solution and acts as the main archiving solution at Yonsei. The church currently holds seven services a week, alongside numerous prayer and mission team meetings and conferences and seminars. With so much video content needing to be managed, Cantemo Portal was implemented to keep the library organised. Portal uses initial automated transcoding to ingest high-resolution content and automatically generate a proxy, low-res version. This version is then what is played back and browsed within Portal, to limit the need to move massive video files.” Working alongside Portal is the Cantemo Annotation Tool. This makes it possible mark content segments with searchable,

time-based metadata. As services at Yonsei church can sometimes last several hours, the production team would find it difficult to pick out moments within one broadcast for use elsewhere. Using the Annotation Tool makes it possible to identify a memorable moment within the session, such as a particularly moving reading, and add metadata to the duration of the scene. This metadata is then searchable within the content and the wider content library. Using the Rough Cut Editor, the clips generated by the annotation tool can be made into sequences and pushed to Final Cut Pro for editing. Azimi continues: “Rough cuts are made within Portal platform, from one or even multiple assets using the Annotation tool. The selected segments from the assets are combined into a timeline by the Rough Cut Editor and saved back into Portal. This new asset can now be opened in Final Cut Pro for further assembly and to add effects

COMPLEX CONSIDERATIONS The broadcast project means that every week, the church sends a large number of video files to cable and satellite stations, ready for transmission. To make that process easier, Yonsei Church implemented Cantemo Portal. “The client has been successfully using Cantemo Portal to help it manage a video library of considerable size for several years,” says Parham Azimi, Cantemo’s CEO. “Toolsmedia acted as our partner on this WE EMPLOY 15 PEOPLE FOR OUR BROADCAST OPERATION

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