FEED Summer 2024 Web

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FORECASTING THE changed,” expands Mike Paquin, senior product manager of Ross Video’s virtual solutions. “When Covid-19 happened, it was a case of separating people into different spaces – and from home. It opened

Powered by XPression, Raiden combines data gathering, processing and visualisation tools to transform how broadcasters create dynamic weather and climate content I f there’s one thing the Covid-19 Despite the critical need for remote workflows diminishing as the pandemic’s effect wore pandemic taught the world of broadcast, it’s that virtual tools are more ready than many in the industry had realised. off, the demand for virtual solutions has been ever on the up – thanks to the heightened efficiency they offer. “The reasons for the demand have

the viewing experience. To obtain the best results, a compelling 3D design with precision camera tracking and calibration is essential. Ross Video’s end-to-end virtual solution provides the highest level of quality with an easy-to-use workflow and consistent results, ensuring seamless execution for professionals. ENDLESS OPPORTUNITIES Consistent results in the virtual space are part and parcel of what Ross Video does. It’s in the company’s DNA to innovate, and so with that it announced the launch of Raiden – a data-driven weather graphics software that’s designed to empower newsrooms to elevate their storytelling with more immersive real-time weather content. “The idea behind Raiden,” Paquin continues, “is so it can aid presenters – whether they have a background in meteorology or not – to tell a story. It allows them to bring all the weather

people’s eyes to say, ‘hey, this is possible’, and they can do a virtual production with a shoestring budget. Now, with a proper focus and project, it’s become much more serious.” “One of those key areas of focus is weather segments,” adds Ryan Fulton, product manager for virtual solutions. “We’ve heard from customers that there’s strong desire to create more visually compelling content to help meteorologists or weather presenters provide context to their viewers. Virtual production presents that opportunity to bring weather into their world.” Today’s technology is capable of producing hyperrealistic virtual environments which enhance the quality of production and improve


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