FEED Summer 2024 Web

world. Many movies are produced with streaming audiences as the primary target. And creators of all types are finding opportunities to produce and distribute content over streaming platforms, finding audiences that they would never have been able to reach before. Roku, too, is building its place in this blossoming creator economy through The Roku Channel, featuring its growing library of Roku Originals and hundreds of free linear channels. The Roku Channel is a top five channel on the Roku platform in the US by both active account reach and streaming hour engagement (as of Q2 2022).

As incredible as this transformation has been, the streaming revolution has only just begun. Today, only a portion of the world’s one billion broadband households are streaming. There continues to be a significant gap between the TV time consumers spend streaming and the budget that advertisers spend on streaming. But make no mistake: the trend is clear. Roku believes that in the rapidly approaching future, all TV and TV advertising will be streamed. In fact, by 2028, analysts expect one billion more internet- connected TVs to be sold globally. This transformation will accelerate as more and more TV manufacturers adopt a licensed OS. Just as the use of an OS unlocked the full possibilities of the personal computer and mobile phone, Roku’s purpose-built TV OS is leading the way in transforming the TV, making the experience of watching it easier and more joyful. As more content moves to streaming, Roku’s licensed OS will give customers access to content they want, at prices they can afford, while creators will find new audiences and ways to engage them. This evolution will be a time of endless opportunity for the entire TV ecosystem. Driving it will be the same spirit that started it all. An engineer’s love of problem-solving; the creative desire for more and better content; a conviction that immense value remains waiting to be unlocked; and underpinning it all, a fundamental love of TV.

BEHIND THE NAME Roku means six in Japanese, hinting at the fact it was the sixth company set up by founder Anthony Wood


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