Cambridge Edition May 2024 - Web


Activities on Sundays are hugely varied from our annual karting grand prix to shopping in Norwich

managing their own lives from quite a young age.” The full experience Finally, there’s the fact that boarding is packed full of creative, challenging and fun things to do. Wymondham College offers over 70 activities a week that span paddle boarding to water polo and kayaking to coding, on top of a packed sporting fixtures programme. Pupils can even learn to scuba dive in the on-site pool before obtaining their open water qualification in Malta. At Kimbolton, Laura Hadden is in charge of a varied programme for girl boarders that ranges from baking, dog walking and meditation to activities like trips to Windsor Castle or sledging at a snow dome. And the school will also accommodate last-minute requests from parents who want to take their child out for supper. The programme at Gresham’s is equally dynamic. “We do our utmost to ensure that boarders have both the freedom to relax with friends and the opportunity to join organised weekend trips and activities,” says the school. “Big-

screen films, wine and cheese evenings for sixth formers and informal socials are common events at Gresham’s on a Saturday evening. Activities on Sundays are hugely varied, from our annual karting grand prix, paintball trips, white-water rafting excursions and days on the beach, use of our amazing woodland high ropes area and obstacle courses, cultural and sightseeing trips to London, visits to local seaside towns and shopping in the beautiful Norwich city centre.” Add first-class pastoral care and little touches – including relaxed Sundays that more often than not include a much- enjoyed brunch – and it’s perhaps not surprising that boarders include families who may live just a few miles away from the school. It’s often the children, rather than their parents, who are keen to board. And that’s a trend that – in our area at least – looks set to continue.


SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE With a hugely varied extracurricular timetable, pupils can always take the time to do what they love and discover new passions


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