Definition February 2024 - Newsletter


GLOW UP Phil Rhodes dials in an expert to discuss a bright idea in the world of LED lighting A s LED lighting technology becomes capable of higher and higher power levels, it

might seem as if low-energy lighting is a won war for those of us who don’t have much use for an 18K. At the same time, it’s hardly controversial to point out that tungsten lighting still makes skin glow, and HMIs have a certain something in the very deep blues that modern LEDs often lack. Efforts to improve spectrum go back to around 2018, with the emergence of the first lights involving emitters beyond simply red, green, blue and white. Nils de Montgrand – vice president of LED products and engineering at Rosco DMG – suggests that his company was the first to add lime and amber emitters with its MIX technology, released that year. It wasn’t immediately clear this would be GAFFERS LIKE XY. THEY CAN COUNT ON US TO develop a high-quality light engine ”

popular, but the multi-emitter approach would soon become mainstream. It’s easy to get lost in the technical minutiae of how a light is constructed, though this kind of design decision is increasingly crucial as crews develop ways to make full-colour-mixing lights

work in practice. One thing gaffers love is the convenience of specifying colours using the two numbers of CIE xy coordinates. “I fought against xy for a while until it became a standard,” de Montgrand admits. That reservation, he explains, is based on the fact that two

LION’S GLARE The Rosco DMG Lion (above right) is a powerful, 13in fresnel



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