FEED Winter 2022 Newsletter

We all know New Year’s resolutions can be hard to keep, but they do represent our hopes, aspirations and intentions to be better. This issue, we ask media industry heavy hitters what their goals, aims and – yes – resolutions are for the upcoming year

Matt Cimaglia Alteon.io Co-founder and CEO

Which lessons from 2022 will you apply to the year ahead? Content creators and industry heads are becoming more flexible when it comes to technological adaptation. With gigabit internet speeds and greater internet infrastructure on the rise worldwide, technologies such as cloud and remote workflows are becoming more common. You have to write three goals for 2023 on the back of a business card. What are they? 1. Connect with community members to see Alteon-powered projects come to fruition. 2. Push for global adoption of sustainability in blockchains (with hopefully fewer implosions). 3. Discover a new technology. Every month that carbon emissions rise is another nail in the coffin of a survivable future. What will you do to help reduce emissions in 2023? The Alteon philosophy is what we call ‘one file.’ Instead of multiple versions and duplicates, there is one original media file in which every revision, comment and edit is stored and tracked. This vastly reduces the number of hard drives purchased, communications flying around and media shared between collaborators and clients. Sending a simple text email (eg “thanks”) produces 0.000001 tonnes of CO2 equivalent. A study from 2019 calculated that if every UK resident (64 million people) sent one fewer unnecessary email per day, they could save 16,433 tonnes of carbon per year in total. Apply that logic to the way creatives share media – through file attachments and file-transfer protocols – and it’s clear that a cloud-based alternative is not only more efficient, but more ecologically sustainable. At this year’s IBC Show, we heard the term ‘change management’ over and over. What is the biggest change the industry needs to negotiate in 2023? Web3 is evolving rapidly, and we see ways to drive that in a direction that supports creators. One goal of ours is to empower the Web3 creator economy by ensuring they have access to the same tools as all creative professionals. Implementing blockchain technology and building blockchain infrastructure into Alteon.io will be a challenge, but we view it as an inevitable step to future-proof the company.

What is your battle cry/motto for 2023? Creativity without constraint.


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