IN THE MOMENT Integrating real- time VFX into the production plan has never been smoother, and VP experts like ABCS (above) and MR Factory (left) are here to help
we can shoot in impossible places, like extremely small spaces in which it might be difficult to fit all the necessary gear, or guarantee the perfect framing at any time, regardless of camera position. Car scenes are another example, in which the interior of the car and close-up shots can be virtual, and not require long shooting hours and expensive permits. But we can also shoot in inaccessible areas, or where it’s impossible to grant permissions, such as remote locations, monuments etc, without requiring crews to build large props. Last, but not least, VP allows us to spend hours shooting the perfect outdoor scene with the exact lighting and environment that the director and cinematographer want, without having to worry about the conditions changing, regardless of the time it takes to shoot the scene. We can make sunsets last forever! All of the above simplifies the production process and provides new tools and conditions to help filmmakers achieve their desired results. WITH XR BECOMING MORE EMBEDDED IN FILM PRODUCTION, HOW DO YOU SEE IT INFLUENCING THE SKILL SETS AND ROLES REQUIRED IN THE INDUSTRY? WOULD YOU SAY
WE’RE HEADING TOWARDS AN ERA OF GREATER INTERDISCIPLINARY COLLABORATION? Yes, definitely, but not to the point of excluding the current skill sets and expertise in the industry. On the contrary, XR and VP are simply extra tools we have in our hands to improve content and optimise production, but they of course require a good understanding of the technology, its downfalls and benefits, so we can extract the most out of it. Lighting design crews will still be needed to illuminate scenes, but they might have to take into account the new baseline of shooting in chroma or LED; their skills will surely remain necessary for achieving the perfect lighting. DOPs
will need to apply their understanding of how cameras, lenses, lights and the environment have to be combined for the results they want when using LEDs and chroma, but they will surely get there with some initial advice. Directors will also find they can create new framing, shots and looks by using this new tool. There will even be some people, VP experts, that previously got their finished shots and had to do something with them, who will now be more involved in production, as their continued input is extremely valuable for the optimisation of productions. So, yes, this does open up a new era of interdisciplinary collaboration for achieving amazing results.
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