Definition February 2025 - Newsletter


One of the main reasons why filmmakers and broadcasters of all sizes use virtual technology is because it’s possible to create, in real-time, virtual content that can’t be distinguished from reality and seamlessly includes actors. This opens the door to reducing the gaps between large and small facilities, increasing the quality and possibilities of smaller-scale projects. There’s no reason why VP can’t use chroma sets instead, or even be combined with LED volumes. LED volumes don’t need to be huge, nor must they be used for entire projects. Tech like set extensions support the use of smaller volumes, with backgrounds digitally expanded. This allows LED-based productions to be more affordable – not to mention more studios incorporate LED volumes for rental, along with chroma sets, which gives greater flexibility. THE WHITE PAPER DISCUSSES CHALLENGES LIKE COLOUR CALIBRATION AND VIDEO

XR AND VP ARE simply extra tools WE HAVE IN OUR HANDS”

DELAYS IN MULTICAMERA XR SET-UPS. CAN YOU SHARE INSIGHTS ON HOW CLOSE THE INDUSTRY IS TO RESOLVING THESE HURDLES – AND WHAT INNOVATIONS YOU SEE ON THE HORIZON? The fact is that chroma is an affordable and established technology, while LED is relatively new, so many early adopters have been faced with challenges that required revising the initially optimistic assumptions regarding the outcome of these workflows. All the manufacturers involved, from software companies to camera vendors, work to facilitate the adoption of this technology

as well as simplifying the workflows and technologies involved. Now we can enjoy calibration tools that greatly simplify tracking and colour grading to ensure accuracy. With regards to multicamera productions, the adoption of multiplexing technologies such as Frame Remapping or GhostFrame reduce the complexity of the set-ups. These technologies allow for displaying different content on the LED wall simultaneously, which enables the various cameras to sync and each capture different images. PRE-PRODUCTION IS CRUCIAL IN XR WORKFLOWS, AS YOU’VE HIGHLIGHTED. WHAT KEY CONSIDERATIONS SHOULD FILMMAKERS PRIORITISE TO ENSURE SEAMLESS INTEGRATION BETWEEN REAL AND VIRTUAL ELEMENTS? As with any production, planning is crucial to ensure everything goes as smoothly as it can. This means it’s the final result, requirements and budget that will establish which technologies we should use. There will be some moments in which using an LED volume might be almost mandatory – like shooting scenes that require lots of reflections, in which having a real background or LED wall simplifies the shooting process. Others will require chroma sets. The best advice is to count on skilled and experienced staff who understand well the technology and its possibilities, so they can help schedule the production using the best tools for the job at any time, regardless of whether they have to go to outdoor, indoor or fully virtual shoots. AS XR CONTINUES TO EVOLVE, WHAT ARE THE EMERGING TRENDS OR TECH THAT YOU BELIEVE WILL DRIVE ITS ADOPTION AND EVOLUTION OVER THE NEXT DECADE? AND IN WHAT WAYS COULD IT RESHAPE STORYTELLING?

Technology helps to facilitate production and provide us with

STRETCHING OUT Brainstorm discusses the XR landscape and showcases VP’s abilities (above)

new ways to tell stories. Using VP,



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