FEED Issue 03

7 NEWSFEED Updates & upgrades


TELESTREAM RELEASES WIRECAST 9 SOFTWARE the VISCA-over-IP protocol and will allow camera operation directly from the Wirecast user interface.

Telestream has released a new version of its Wirecast live streaming and production software for Mac and Windows. The new Wirecast 9 includes pan-tilt- zoom (PTZ) control for robotic cameras, support for the X-keys Wirecast control surface, and paired encoding contribution with Facebook Live. The new PTZ control is optimised for the PTZOptics camera line which uses

Improved Facebook Live integration will allow users to more easily stream content to clients’ Facebook pages without requiring admin passwords or credentials for the main Facebook account. This could be particularly useful for pages with multiple contributors and cross-promotional streaming. The new version is available as a free upgrade to anyone who has purchased Wirecast 8 in the past 12 months.

Support for P.I. Engineering’s X-keys control surface offers simple access to 12 sources on each of the five layers in Wirecast. The status of each layer and source is indicated on the controller and saved scenes, outputs and transitions can be called up with a single button push.

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