FEED Issue 03

10 NEWSFEED Updates & upgrades


The annual NAB 4K 4Charity run again took place in the 7:30am cool of a Las Vegas morning at this year’s NAB Show. The image of broadcast tech as crawling with armies of pasty-faced engineers, shunning all exercise more vigorous than bending to plug in an SDI cable (too harsh?) is banished forever when you get out to one of the 4K 4Charity runs. Over 560 people registered for this year’s NAB 4K 4Charity run. The event raised $34,828 for Girls Who Code and FIRST Nevada.

Romanek made a spectacular showing as well and were absolutely amazing and if you ask them they will tell you they almost won. If you missed the NAB run, don’t fret. The IBC 4K 4Charity run is only a few months away. The run starts at 7:30am on 15 September at Amsterdam’s Amstelpark. Beneficiaries will include Stichting NewTechKids (NewTechKids Foundation), a Dutch charity which promotes computer literacy in primary schools. Another change for the FEED team to almost, very nearly win…

Girls Who Code is a US non- profit organisation which promotes education for girls and young women in computer science across the US. The charity arranges after-school coding clubs and special summer programmes which help girls learn coding and gain exposure to tech jobs. Las Vegas-based FIRST Nevada engages young people in mentor- based programmes that build science, engineering and technology skills. Bright co-founder and publisher Matt Pluck and FEED editor Neal

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