Cambridge Edition March 2025 - Web


1. What is the highest natural point above sea level in Cambridgeshire? A. Madingley Rise B. Wandlebury Hill C. The village of Great Chishill 2. Which world-renowned Cambridge scientist is buried at Scientists’ Corner in Westminster Abbey? A. Charles Darwin B. Stephen Hawking C. Isaac Newton D. All of the above 3. Which trio of famous luminaries has not held the floor at the Cambridge Union Debating Chamber? A. Ronald Reagan, Bill Gates, Bernie Sanders B. The Dalai Lama, Margaret Thatcher, Stephen Hawking C. Jerry Springer, Pamela Anderson, Robert Downey Jr D. They all have 4. Which of the following artworks cannot be found on display at the Fitzwilliam Museum? A. Titian’s Tarquin and Lucretia , circa 1571 B. Monet’s Les peupliers ( Poplars ), 1891 C. Picasso’s Guernica , 1937

6. This imposing, gothic Memorial Hall (built 1870-77) is a famous landmark – where is it? A. Trinity Street, Cambridge, UK B. Downing College, Regent Street, Cambridge, UK C. Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, US 7. What is the correct name for the carol service held at King’s College Chapel on Christmas Eve? A. Twelve Carols from King’s B. A Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols C. Carols and Readings at Midnight Mass 8. Which three British prime ministers attended Cambridge University? A. Harold Wilson, Edward Heath, Margaret Thatcher B. Henry John Temple, Arthur Balfour, William Pitt C. David Cameron, Theresa May, Boris Johnson

A. Cambridge Parkway B. Cambridge South C. Cambridge North

10. What Cambridge avenue is famous for its bookshops, cafes and the historic St Bene’t’s Church? A. Bene’t Street B. St Benedict Lane C. Bennett Way 11. What is special about Castle Mound? A. It was originally the site of Cambridge Castle, a Norman motte and bailey B. It’s the burial site of a Viking longship C. It marks the centre of the city 12. Which of the following is not a pub on Mill Road? A. The White Swan B. The Royal Standard Pub C. The Mill 13. The Wall of the Missing at Cambridge American Cemetery is engraved with the names of 5,000 lost in action, including which famous person? A. George Herman ‘Babe’ Ruth B. Glenn Miller C. Alfred Hitchcock

9. In 2017, Cambridge opened a new train station. What is it called?

14. Rachel Reeves proposed an ‘Oxford-Cambridge Growth Corridor’ and described it as Europe’s...

Test your Cambridge

5. Where would you find this miniature Love from Above Dinky Door? A. All Saints Passage B. The Museum of Zoology C. Reality Checkpoint

knowledge with our brainteasers. How much do you know about its famous names?

A. Cyber Space B. Silicon Valley C. Urban Sprawl


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