Cambridge Edition September 2024 - Web


They experience a typical school day and meet the key people who are going to be supporting them

and administrators,” continues Alice. It adds up to what she describes as ‘an embedded transition throughout the whole year’. Indeed, there will be new teachers, subjects and timetables, but there’s also a reassuring sense of continuity. Other schools, too, are focused on ensuring that new pupils quickly feel at home. At Kimbolton School – where most prep pupils move on to the senior school – having a familiar environment “helps our children progress, with their friends, to the senior school. The familiar environment helps smooth the children’s transition to secondary education at age 11,” according to the school. At St Mary’s, developing that sense of familiarity begins as early as the admissions process, which includes taster days. There’s also an induction day taking place in June. “The girls come in and spend the day either at the junior or senior school,” explains Hannah Helliar. “They experience a typical school day and meet the key people who

are going to be teaching and supporting them throughout their journey.” In cases where pupils are joining in year 7 or 9, the staff at St Mary’s will also visit as many of their current schools as possible. “It’s an opportunity for us to have one last conversation with the girls ahead of the summer holiday and also to get a handover from their current schools,” elaborates Hannah. Perennial concerns about lessons (how hard are they?) and homework (how much is set?) are tackled with reassurance and sensitivity. St Mary’s provides a small amount of work for pupils to do over the summer break. “It’s very light touch and is there to help the girls feel supported and confident,” stresses Hannah. In contrast, homework isn’t set for new girls in year 7 at the start of the autumn term until they’ve settled in.

CLASS ACT Stephen Perse Cambridge (right) and St Mary’s (below) value student independence


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