Cambridge Edition September 2024 - Web


AHID ABOOD A Cup of Tea with... Edition shares a brew with the founder of The Day Clinic, a leading dermatology destination based in Great Shelford

Cambridge Edition: First of all, what’s your brew of choice? Ahid Abood: When I’m at home it’s a standard cup of tea – milk no sugar – but when I’m out and about it’s a flat white! CE: Tell us a bit about the history of The Day Clinic – what inspired you to start the business? AA: I was inspired to set up The Day Clinic following more than 25 years of experience working at the coal face of healthcare. In that time, I’ve seen the good, the bad and the ugly in healthcare provision. My vision with The Day Clinic was to bring together the very best of what I’ve seen, offering outstanding medical care alongside a streamlined, efficient (and hopefully even pleasant!) experience. At the moment, we’re primarily focused on skin conditions, but we are in the process of expanding into other areas. We worked hard to find a perfect location for The Day Clinic. It’s a few minutes south of Addenbrooke’s Hospital, surrounded by the beautiful Magog Downs and with plentiful free parking on site. What we offer is a private outpatient service for common skin conditions, including skin cancers. We aim to see and

of all skin conditions. We’ve recently been joined by a local GP who will be offering appointments for local patients. Over the coming year, we hope to offer services related to men’s and women’s health and envisage the team will continue to expand beyond that. Our consultants are supported by three fantastic nurses, alongside reception and administrative staff. CE: How does The Day Clinic differ from other companies offering similar services? AA: We offer patients a very personal service and we treat everyone as an individual. As a relatively small and consistent team, patients quickly develop a rapport with us, which helps to build a relationship of trust with the clinic and the team. I also think where we are located is a real asset for patients. It’s a relaxed and calming environment with lots of free parking – and that’s not often the case when you’re visiting a healthcare setting! CE: What’s the best thing about working at The Day Clinic? AA: There are so many things! I absolutely love the space we’re in, it’s definitely a calming place

I absolutely love the space we are in, it’s definitely a calming place to be

excellent healthcare without the stress and anxiety of navigating a big hospital. CE: How has the team evolved? AA: The team has gradually increased in size since we opened in 2023. At the moment, we have consultants in plastic surgery and dermatology who offer a comprehensive service for the treatment

to be. Our team are a joy to work with and always go above and beyond to provide great care to our patients. The feedback we get from patients is really incredible. We’re getting more and more patients coming to the clinic because a previous patient had recommended us, which is really telling and hugely rewarding.

treat patients as quickly and efficiently as possible, minimising anxiety about having to wait for treatment. We liaise closely with GPs and other NHS services to ensure a fully joined-up service for our patients. With our team of consultant doctors and two state-of-the art operating theatres, we are in a fantastic position to provide


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