Cambridge Edition September 2024 - Web


ELIZABETH DAY FRIENDAHOLIC September always feels like an opportunity for a new start, so this could be the perfect time of year to review your close connections. Are you, like Elizabeth Day used to do, overpromising and underdelivering on your promises of friendship, or could there be people who aren’t pulling their weight with you? Friendaholic is a fascinating nonfiction delve into the trials, tribulations and total delights of modern platonic friendship: you’ll nod along in parts and grimly recognise yourself in others. Like many of us, Elizabeth found the pandemic lockdowns of 2020 forced her to reassess what being a close friend actually meant: were her best friends the people with which she was spending the most time? Having grown up determined to be a good friend above everything else – at the cost of her own mental and physical health – Elizabeth readily admits her own addiction to connection and dives into whether her past all-or-nothing behaviour is really the best route to healthy, mutually beneficial relationships with others. The result is this book, an exploration of the science and history of friendship, interspersed with her own anecdotal evidence for how to handle platonic ghosting, dealing with toxic acquaintances and reconnecting with past besties. It’s a delightful mix of confession, criticism and carefully crafted advice, packed with interesting factoids and useful pointers on how to be a better friend – both to others, and to yourself.

PINKY PROMISE A number one Sunday Times bestseller, this is a unique look into love of a less romantic kind



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