Cambridge Edition September 2024 - Web


There’s nothing quite like getting lost in a mystery Dean Street Press, Moonstone, The British Library, Galileo Publishers and more lining its shelves, alongside Penguin green crime classics, Pan paperbacks, Gollancz crime fiction and plenty of other delights. The perfect crime

A to Z crime fiction, graphic crime novels, children’s and young adult detective fiction (anyone under 16 can join the Moriarty Club for 10% off all purchases) and books on and about Cambridge – crime, fiction and nonfiction, including those published by the Oleander Press.” Unsurprisingly, the shop has a large section devoted to Golden Age detective fiction, including books by Agatha Christie, Margery Allingham, Dorothy L Sayers, Ngaio Marsh and Josephine Tey, as well as books the pair published under the Oreon imprint. You’ll also find publishers like

the corner from Fitzbillies, makes it a fantastic bookselling location. Richard says he also hopes to stage events at nearby St Botolph’s Church in future. But for now, he has his hands tied managing the shop, interacting with readers and staging the eye-catching window displays that may have caught your attention. “I’ve retired from retiring,” he admits. “I missed too much interacting with other readers, finding out what they liked to read, which in turn had always fed my reading! We hope we’ll be able to share our love for detective fiction in all we do here.”

A street steeped in history, the shop’s location just a few doors down from the home of Cambridge’s former hangman makes it quite the atmospheric setting for a bookshop specialising in crime. That, combined with the fact that it’s next to Espresso Lane and just round


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