Cambridge Education Guide Autumn/Winter 24 Web



Back to school

ome early September, and the start of the academic year in our area is always marked the same

move to senior school. And the very oldest will be joining the sixth form in their final two years of education. Whether tiny or teenage, students will still face inevitable challenges. From brand-new teachers, classrooms and subjects to novel ways of doing things, life at school or college will be unfamiliar and may take a bit of getting used to. While transition can be a tricky time for families, some children take change in their stride. Others, not so much. But even the most confident pupils are likely to have the odd wobbly moment as the start of autumn term approaches.

way: a sea of children, many in smart, new (and sometimes oversized) uniforms and accompanied by flustered-looking parents, make their way to school. To anyone well past those school days, it’s a comforting, unchanging tradition. But it’s easy to forget that, for the children themselves, everything is different (though hopefully exciting) and happening for the very first time. Some pupils will be starting at nursery or in reception. Others will be making the

This time of year is marked by significant change for children of all ages – and their families. That’s why our area’s educators are putting plans in place to make the transition far smoother for all


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