Cambridge Education Guide Autumn/Winter 24 Web


Education timeline Key decisions to be made at different stages of your child’s scholastic journey

Birth to preschool (rising four) Visit local nurseries and childcare providers. Register as soon as possible, particularly if you require full-time nursery provision at an early age. Visit local pre-preps and remember to check deadlines for registration. It is important to plan ahead – popular schools may have an official deadline but, if oversubscribed, they will offer places based on the date of registration. Age 4½-7 Talk to your child’s current school about their progress and ask for advice on future schools. Visit prep schools (usually from year 2) and note registration deadlines (they are normally in the autumn term of the preceding academic year). Check for details and dates of any assessments that may be required. Age 7-11 If your child attends a fee-paying school, use teachers as a sounding board for senior schools. Attend meetings covering potential future schools (normally taking place from year 4). Visit senior school open days (from year 4 or earlier) and check deadlines for 11+ registration, which are normally the November or December prior to entry. If you wish to apply for a scholarship, it is important to note any separate deadlines, together with 11+ entrance exam dates (these are normally held in January of year 6). Liaise with the school about preparation and flag any concerns you might have. Children that will be sitting the 11+ Common Entrance exam in year 6 will also need to be registered to do so (in October or December for examination in November or January, respectively).


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