Cambridge Education Guide Autumn/Winter 24 Web

St John’s College School

t St John’s, we believe in a childhood filled with affection, in which children know that they are valued, learn to trust themselves and each other, find and express their voices and discover the differences they can make for themselves and others. Not only this, but they can learn to think for themselves, to question, collaborate, be independent, own and take charge of their learning and their lives. A CARING COMMUNITY A St John’s education is about the whole child. At its core is our focus on pastoral care and wellbeing, starting with our Emotions for Learning programme which is at the very foundation of what we do and how we are as a school. We believe that education at its best is a profound act of care. If we care, then we will notice. If we notice, then we will act on a child’s

behalf. If we act for each child, then each of our children will become their best selves. To be known, noticed, valued and cared for – fundamental things for all of us – these are the essentials of a good childhood, and they are at the heart of the St John’s way. NURTURING INDEPENDENCE & CREATIVITY Our children become independent learners and creative thinkers prepared to question, with their curiosity very much alive. They get the best from themselves and achieve very highly within and beyond the classroom. We aim for our children to develop a real generosity of spirit, to know and care about getting the best from others and doing well when they are with us and when they are long beyond our walls. We focus on creativity throughout the school, both in the way we teach and the way children learn. We prefer to enable children to develop the skills needed to succeed in the future rather than concentrate purely on gaining knowledge, gathering facts and passing exams – although these have their place in any educational environment. This approach creates the right environment for our pupils to find their true voices and realise their potential, secure in the knowledge that they are cared for and supported by the community around them, equipped with a full set of skills to problem-solve, collaborate and adapt. Our youngest children are full of questions, rich with curiosity. We work to preserve and strengthen their questioning and thinking skills. From the earliest age, we give them the essential

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