Cambridge Education Guide Autumn/Winter 24 Web


“Experiences like sharing supper with their boarding house family and making new friends, who are often from different

countries, can be very rewarding”

– an essential life lesson with long-lasting benefits. Interacting with your peers out of the classroom can be enriching, leading to friendships that transcend different age ranges in a small environment and with plenty of support. Experiences like sharing supper with their boarding house family and making new friends, who are often from different countries, can be incredibly rewarding. In addition to the socialisation benefits, a strong sense of community confers additional advantages. When homework deadlines loom, even the most conscientious pupils can find it difficult to summon the necessary motivation to get started. This can be a lot easier for boarders, where evening prep is a non-negotiable for everyone. For anyone needing a bit of a helping hand, assistance is never far away, with boarding house staff always attuned to potential problems. While there’s always someone to talk to, there’s also an emphasis on getting pupils ready for life after school. They’ll learn to manage time effectively, attend extra sports practices or rehearsals and work on individual


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