Cambridge Education Guide Autumn/Winter 24 Web


here are lies, damned lies and statistics, goes the old saying. But while figures relating to our vibrant, successful area are available by the truckload, the story they tell isn’t hard to decipher. It’s a tale of success, growth and creativity – a cause for celebration particularly when it comes to opportunity, innovation, employment and education. So much is on the up that you could run short of superlatives to describe the gradient. Success – something we don’t do by halves – is dazzling. Of the 63 cities regularly analysed in the Centre for Cities reports, our area is frequently among the top performers. It’s big on business growth, particularly successful as a home for new economy firms – loosely defined as cutting-edge, technology-driven businesses that will help to define the shape of the future and become the big drivers for growth, productivity and hopefully prosperity. No wonder official reports veer into unusually lyrical prose when describing what makes us so special. “A precious jewel… joyfully easy access to nature… world-class cultural amenities,” coos one. It’s hard to disagree. And taken in tandem with other trends, like our local Top of the class Cambridge schools keep coming out with glowing reports and high marks – but that doesn’t mean we should rest on our laurels


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