FEED issue 31 Web

46 ROUND TABLE Esports Arenas

FEED:WHATARESOMEGOODSTRATEGIESFORUSINGSOCIALMEDIAPLATFORMS? CHARLES CONROY: Esports fans live and breathe online, and as a result are the most connected and interactive fans in the world. There are now a host of social media campaigns being launched to keep fans’ eyeballs on the game both during and in between matches.


JAMES DEAN: I highly recommend using a specialist agency for social media. It ’s important to think outside the box for proper growth and engagement and usually needs various levels of amusement value, as well as the serious points of updating in-match progress. Social media is really the most important form of communication with this audience and it can be extremely successful as part of a brand and commercial campaign.

ANNA LOCKWOOD: Social media is a key part of esports events, and the interactive banter on social platforms while watching an esports competition is tremendous fun and helps build fans, community and loyalty to players, teams and sponsoring brands. While much of this is organic, social media is a great traffic generator to bring viewers on to the platforms where the events are being streamed. Any social media strategy that

can react quickly and authentically to the social mood and amplify the organic social conversation during and after an event is powerful with the esports community and fans. Esports audiences, both online and in-venue, are on multiple social platforms with their friends and fan community during an event, and developing strategies to add value to these social interactions in an authentic way will enhance the relevance and impact for the audience.

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