FEED Autumn 2024 Web

to personalise live sport viewing,” shares Crimp. The programme also includes a project called ‘Design your weapons in the fight against disinformation’ – a joint effort among AP, BBC, CBS News, Channel 4 and Paramount Global. MERGING LANES The media and entertainment industry has been taking new shape as of late, with the lines blurring between the broadcast, AV and cine sectors. “Growing overlaps between broadcast and pro AV are particularly exciting,” begins Crimp, “with a wide range of enterprises increasingly demanding broadcast-grade video for everything

from live earnings calls to product launches to customer events. We’re seeing rising investment in AV production rooms for broadcast among retailers, brands and other businesses.” He concludes: “Today, many future-ready cloud-based production and distribution tools are just as likely to be producing and delivering live corporate events as live sports and entertainment.” To cater to consumer demand, “we’re hosting an all-new AV Speed Pitch Event, in partnership with the AV User Group,” says Crimp, “to enable technology providers to showcase their latest innovations to non-media audiences across the retail, education

and finance sectors.” Participants will be able to pitch Astra Zeneca, Bank of America, Barclays, Deliveroo, UBS and other potential stakeholders. Virtual production is also playing a key role in this industry overlap, “driving convergence and collaboration in new and exciting ways,” claims Crimp. “A growing range of broadcasters, education institutions, film studios and gaming companies are harnessing a blend of immersive audio-visual technologies every day across virtual sets, incorporating next-generation VFX, LED walls, gaming engines, 3D environments and XR tools into holistic production workflows. IBC 2024 will showcase

VENUE SUCCESS Amsterdam’s RAI exhibition centre hosts this year’s IBC, set to be the biggest yet


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