Definition November 2024 - Web


IN TOO DEEP Macro lenses were used when filming to reveal the slow, almost imperceptible movements of coral polyps

Equally important to the production were the logistics behind capturing coral in its most intimate forms. This included shooting detailed macro images and using time-lapse photography to reveal changes invisible to the naked eye. “For the macro shots, we spent hours in just 1 sq m of space. We were shooting something so small that simply breathing with our regulator less than 50cm from the topic created a parasitic motion,” Granjon recalls. “We used a 24mm macro lens, with the front sometimes as close as half-a-centimetre from the subject. Since we were filming time-lapse, we needed maximum stability, so we chose to shoot during the slack period of the tide. Thankfully, the sea was amazingly calm.” Granjon and his team also made extensive use of UV light to capture



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