Definition March 2020 SAMPLE



French filmmaker Stéphane Couchoud has followed up his film Paradex 1, set in Bora Bora, with a second part filmed in China. G-Technology portable drives were the perfect form factor and recording solution for the trip

From your Instagram feed, you can see how passionate you are about your art; where did your love of film and creativity come from? Ever since I was a kid, I’ve always loved cameras. When I saw that you could capture something from the present, and watch it whenever, I knew there were unbelievable things I could do, like telling a story, or showing how I perceive the world.

The goal of Paradex is to show the greatest paradises on the planet.

Practically everything, from language, culture, food and heat, to

This time, I wanted to break all the rules and regulations I had made with Paradex 1 . Choosing China as a location meant it was much more complicated for a French person, especially when it came to language and transport! I also found that lots of people have a bad impression of the country, which however for me remains one of the most beautiful I’ve ever visited.

kilometres travelled and arranging permits for accommodation and transport. Also, obviously enough, trying to take as little as possible in our baggage. What were some of your favourite locations during the trip? I did a lot of detailed recon for the trip before heading over and for me, the five most impressive locations were the Great Wall of China, Shanghai, the Zhangjiajie National Park (the Avatar Mountains), Guilin and the Longsheng Rice Terrace.

After the incredible Paradex 1 in Bora Bora, you based the stunning

What were some of the biggest challenges you found yourself

follow-up Paradex 2 in China. What inspired you to choose this location?

facing on the project?

26 DEF I N I T ION | MARCH 2020

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