Definition November 2022 - Web


Skyfall (2012) The first of director Sam Mendes’ two Bond features, Corbould shouldered some second unit director duties, working on the attack at Skyfall Lodge. “The helicopter approach, the strafing of the house, all culminating in the building going up and the blowing up of the Aston Martin. “We had more discussion about blowing up the car than almost anything else on the film! There was some real emotion about that. The car we destroyed was a Porsche with some DB panels mounted on the side. The Porsche was the closest shape we could get to the Aston Martin. It’s cut at the split second that the explosion takes place, so you’d be lucky to see it. The construction team built a miniature of the house and we mounted a helicopter on a track going into the building. “I was the tube driver in that film! Sam had an actor play the driver and I was filming. We did about ten takes and Sam said, ‘This is isn’t working; you have to be the train driver.’ I thought he was joking and it would appear in the outtakes or something, so for the first couple I did really silly faces. Then I thought I’d better do a proper take just in case. Sure enough, it’s in the film. If you blink you’ll miss it, but I am there.”

“We had more discussion about blowing up the car than almost anything”

LET THE SKY FALL The team brought the roof down on a miniature version of Bond’s ancestral home


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