FEED Autumn 2022 Newsletter

Average number of all videos per company by industry

253 Manufacturing and distribution

WHO’S DOING WHAT? One takeaway from Vidyard’s report was an unmistakable shake-up of the types of company and industry creating the most video content. But one thing didn’t change: the ‘high-tech’ sector topping the leaderboard. Vidyard claims this has been the case for the past five years. Hot on its heels are media, entertainment and publishing. Average video creation grew 109% for these industries in 2021 – and this is likely conducive to the overall increase in media consumption during the pandemic. Communications coming in a strong third is also a noticeable difference from past years. Although not right at the forefront, it still had the largest overall growth – with a gargantuan 334% increase in average videos created throughout 2020.

109 Not-for-profit

531 Retail and consumer goods

515 Education and public services

155 Real estate

642 Communications

155 Food and leisure

797 Media, entertainment and publishing

205 Healthcare

882 High-tech

510 Financial services

127 Other


Somewhat unsurprisingly, yes. It’s straightforward: the larger the company, the more videos are made. With swathes of resource, support and money, it isn’t shocking that opportunities for corporate video are far more plentiful – be they user-generated or produced content. However, video creation has soared substantially, no matter a company’s scale – up from 78% overall compared to 2020.

While smaller businesses already embraced video for a competitive edge, larger organisations are still discovering the benefits. As the report claims, this has much to do with a surge in hybrid working during the pandemic. The biggest winner in this sense were companies consisting of 601-5000 employees, who created 196% more videos on average, taken against the previous 12 months.

Average number of all videos per company by company size






0-30 employees

31-200 employees

201-600 employees

601-5000 employees

5001+ employees


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