FEED Spring 2024 Newsletter

INNOVATION arise when AI-generated content resembles the work of creators who have not granted permission for its use in any form. automated dailies processing, scene recognition and logging. Looking to post-production

generation and automated targeted ad-insertion are areas of interest for AI. Finally, in digital media and technology, AI assists automated app design based on user feedback and tailored app experience per user. Qvest offers guidance and support for organisations internationally on all requirements for technology implementation. They are the global leader in media-focused consulting. “It’s obviously a very exciting time because the possibilities seem endless for what can

and mastering, AI streamlining audio language translation, video summarisation, facial movement correction as well as automated colour correction. Meanwhile, distribution, automated translation and localisation, format adaption and compression are on the radar. In broadcast operations, real- time transcription and translation, automated closed captioning

UNDERSTANDING THE POSSIBLE Opportunities exist for generative AI and machine learning across every area of the media content supply chain. In pre-production, it can aid scriptwriting, storyboarding, budgeting and scheduling from script analysis. For production, it aids VFX previsualisation, virtual production,


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