“The SpyderXElite uses software todisplay specific colours on your screen, thenuses the calibration tool to read them, ensuring they appear accurately”
even the minute details of your edit can be perfected before printing, and unparalleled results achieved. If all this isn’t enough, there’s one key element yet to be touched upon, and that’s speed. The SpyderX Elite can calibrate a screen in a very impressive time indeed. It’s a small detail to some, but if you’re calibrating regularly, over time, those extra minutes really add up. With Datacolor, you can streamline your workflow for brilliant results fast.
Thankfully, the SpyderX Elite offers just that. When it comes to performance, the SpyderX Elite possesses some of the best and most advanced colorimeter technology today. Housed inside the lens-based calibration tool, it assures results that won’t let you down. You can view a side-by-side comparison of your screen before and after calibration, revealing improved colours, brightness, shadows and highlights, and you can even take a light reading of the room to ensure optimal editing conditions. When it comes to software, the SpyderX Elite really excels. If you’re looking to keep things simple, you can calibrate your screen with
just one click. For a more in-depth experience, in Expert Console mode, users can modify their settings with almost unlimited calibration options. To help you as you go, user guides, video demonstrations and other helpful tools are all available. Remember the benefit calibrating has when it comes to printing? Well the SpyderX Elite goes one step further. With an impressive Softproof feature, users can see how their prints will look on specific makes and models of printers, meaning
Issue 75 | Photography News 49
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