Cambridge Edition March 2023 - Web


Stoke College pupils in year 7, meanwhile, might study the random movements of pollen grains under a microscope, an introduction to particle theory or time travel, to find out what ancient Greeks thought about atoms. They may even learn about science equipment by finding hidden clues in ultraviolet ink, or conduct virtual experiments. This is all enhanced by our area’s schools’ amazing array of extra-curricular activities, trips, events and competitions, making it impossible for any pupil not to find something appealing. The range is immense, from St Faith’s ‘maths in motion’ – an after-school activity setting up a virtual Formula 1 racing car and competing against peers, while learning about accuracy and measuring angles – to a new website and podcast run by year 12 pupils at Felsted, highlighting STEAM developments. Gresham’s pupils, meanwhile, are building robots, designing and racing electric cars and even using their coding skills to create a character – Animatronic Audrey – for a recent school production of The Little Shop of Horrors . It’s all about sparking interest and curiosity from an early age so pupils want to keep learning

STEM IN ACTION The Perse School (above) and St Faith’s (below) students get to grips with science

Increasingly, schools are also using their STEM know-how to benefit others. For older pupils, that might include opportunities to work with younger children. At Stoke College, for example, STEM prefects mentor younger students, acting as inspirational role models and setting high standards when they work with them on activities. Many schools run outreach programmes with other schools. One of the most ambitious, the Perse Coding Team Challenge, involved around 300 schools and 7,000 students last year. It’s designed for the public good, encouraging the uptake of coding among pupils from far and wide with free online resources their schools can use all year round. In an area renowned for world- class STEM expertise, it’s no surprise our schools’ commitment to science, technology, engineering and maths is equally inspiring. You don’t need to be a science genius to feel confident in adding all the ingredients together: the result will be a brilliant new generation of inquiring, confident and creative young minds.


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