Definition June 2024 - Web


Waldron – whose CV includes Godzilla (2014), The Hangover films, Breaking Bad and Obi- Wan Kenobi – knows a thing or two about the world of gaffing. He shares his wisdom huge Hollywood films with some of the best directors in the game. A pinch-me moment came when he landed a gig on Star Wars series Obi-Wan Kenobi . “It was the first movie I saw in the theatre with my dad – I collected all the toys as a kid and never thought I’d work on anything to do with Star Wars !” he exclaims. “I got to stand on a Star Destroyer with Darth Vader! I mean come on…” Other career highlights include working on The Hangover films, but arred Waldron’s career as a gaffer has taken him all around the globe, from Iceland to Jamaica, working on whatever the project – large or small – doing a great job always comes down to the same things, Waldron believes.

When asked about her favourite piece of kit, Armellini expresses a fondness for projector-lens-type lights: “Their versatility in shaping light and creating specific effects makes them fascinating to me.” Reflecting on her experiences, she acknowledges the challenges inherent in her line of work, from navigating diverse shooting locations to managing complex projects – with each job presenting its own set of hurdles. Another challenge is staying ahead of the curve in lighting technology, which she does through attending trade shows, reading industry magazines and maintaining relationships with manufacturers and rental houses. She’s also part of the ICLS, which allows her to tap into the organisation’s wealth of support and knowledge. “A good gaffer is an excellent communicator who works artistically with the cinematographer, translating their vision into a plan and discussing the options available,” Armellini asserts. “They must manage stress and pressure effectively and combine a mix of craft, abstract, technical and social-emotional skills. The good ones are never assholes to the people they work with!” For any aspiring gaffers out there, she has some final words of wisdom: “Don’t hesitate to share ideas and alternatives with your DOP – they might be just what’s needed. Above all, be kind – it’s a small world and kindness goes a long way.” A GOOD GAFFER IS AN excellent communicator WHO WORKS ARTISTICALLY with the DOP ”

SCREEN GIANT Waldron’s work on Godzilla (2014) from director Gareth Edwards was a real taste of blockbuster filmmaking



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