Definition June 2024 - Web


From student films to collaborating with true industry legends, Armellini tells us all about her trajectory E lena Armellini’s journey into the world of lighting began with a love for art and photography, which eventually led her to develop a keen interest in film and cinematography. Recognising a potential career path, she enrolled in ESRA in Nice, France, where she honed her skills, gravitating towards lighting equipment and the role of gaffer in particular. Her first proper gig was a short student film titled Love Is A Hand Grenade , which served as a stepping stone to her next roles, including leading the lighting team for E4’s BAFTA TV award-winning How to Be a Person . She got the job thanks to her relationship with DOP Natalja Safronova, describing it as an ‘incredible experience that affirmed I’m on the right path’. Other highlights include working with lighting legend John Higgins and DOP Rodney Charters on a lighting brand commercial. “Meeting your heroes and finding they live up to your expectations is always special,” she smiles.

my family for around 18 months,” he says. “That was a far bigger challenge than any real-time work-related issue, as I take that side in my stride.” When asked about the qualities essential for a successful gaffer, Mills emphasises flexibility. “You have to mould to many different lighting styles of different DOPs,” he asserts. “You can’t be a closed book; it’s your job to mould to them and not the other way around.” To stay ahead of the game, he relies on his team and relationships with lighting manufacturers. “I have an incredible team around me. They keep me up to speed with the newest tech and methods,” he says. “I’m fortunate to get a look at the new equipment coming through ahead of time.” For aspiring gaffers, advice is simple: “Work hard, learn the gear and get some electrical qualifications. Become the best floor spark you can and go from there.”

LABOUR OF LOVE Among many career highlights for Armellini so far was her work on Season 2 of Heartstopper

LEARN THE GEAR AND get some qualifications . BECOME THE best floor spark you can ”



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