Definition June 2024 - Web


The abstract, technical layers of lighting have become significantly more intricate. It is imperative that we offer solutions which provide our users with simple-to-control systems. While users should not be burdened with complex underlying mathematics, they still require some form of assurance that their adjustments will yield consistent results throughout every stage of the post-production process. TK: Lighting companies are businesses, not charities, so they must still answer to the bottom line of profitability while seeking technological advancements that benefit production professionals. Often, the race to commodify lighting products to attract customers chasing lower prices leads to a vicious cycle of perpetuating poor technological trends in favour of variables like high output. Even with proper education efforts, companies struggle to maintain this

balance between quality advancement and the bottom line of releasing products at a high pace. In addition, the pandemic brought years of disrupted supply chains that have increased production costs. Companies in countries rife with production supplies then have a significant advantage over companies outside of these countries. Finally, the 2023 labour strikes combined with shifting studio business models severely cut into lighting company revenue streams, and business has only trickled back. These three challenges therefore strap resources and impede companies’ abilities to meet professionals’ needs. DA: As a rental business, the transition from traditional daylight and tungsten sources to LED and the huge increase in digital control infrastructure has a significant cost. Panalux is continually investing in new technologies and

I BELIEVE WE ARE IN A phase of evolution RATHER THAN REVOLUTION – improvements will continue ”

GAINING MOMENTUM Lighting is an area with the potential to vastly improve production processes and output quality



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