Definition June 2024 - Web


THE ABILITY TO light by eye AND express creativity IS PARAMOUNT”

TK: Virtual production forced lighting and LED display manufacturers to define and solve the technical requirements for accurately reproducing video colours as light. Solutions must keep developing to enable both spectrally and colorimetrically accurate lighting environments. Colour communication standards must be followed by lighting control applications and fixtures alike to ensure the seamless transfer of dreams to photons. Moreover, just as IBL developed in the CGI world to also describe how photons spatially disperse within virtual spaces to light them, lighting fixture IBL standards and hardware solutions need to follow suit. Significant development must take place for dynamically controlling a scene’s complete volumetric field of light, not just its spectral composition

beginning. There’s still a considerable amount of communication required among stakeholders to fully unlock the potential of this technology. To bridge this gap, lighting manufacturers must equip primary users such as DOPs and gaffers with tools that enable creative lighting while ensuring consistent colour management throughout the entire production process, from shooting to final grading. Providing the ability to light by eye and express creativity without needing to grasp the intricacies of post- production workflows is paramount. Lighting tools should be user-friendly for both colourists and the lighting department alike. Automating fixture addressing when dealing with numerous fixtures enhances efficiency. Calibration of light sources is essential; simplifying this further will yield even better results.

and colour. The variables of optical dispersion, fall-off and output angle need a clear communication mechanism for successful control by IBL. Def: How do you see sustainability playing a role in the future of lighting for film production, and what steps can the industry take to further responsibility should be supported by everybody. Besides that, using energy- efficient lighting fixtures decreases the reliance on energy and cost. Also, the durability, serviceability and long lifetime of products helps to reduce electronic waste. However, to further push sustainability, stricter regulations are an important lever – as other industries already show. SJ: Batteries are increasingly prevalent on film sets, both small and large. They are already replacing diesel- powered generators in many instances; simplifying energy distribution in the process. The adoption of LEDs has inherently eliminated safety concerns integrate eco-friendly practices? RK: Social and environmental

EVER-CHANGING VP continues to grow, pushing lighting companies to keep developing



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