58 BRAINFEED Crossword
ACROSS 4. Acronym for St Petersburg-based company, practiced at sowing discord internationally (p30) 5. The ‘breadbasket of Europe’ and an early testing ground for modern information warfare (p30) 6. Producer of Chariots of Fire and The Mission , head of the UK Democracy and Digital Technologies Committee (p25) 8. An expert in online abuse – also a devourer of goats (p29) 9. Aka VK, social network known as the ‘Russian Facebook’ (p30) 10. Inhumans, some of which have been
used to boost messaging on social platforms to notable effect (p25)
DOWN 1. TV channel that runs content consecutively and without interruption – as opposed to ‘on-demand’ (p47) 2. DAI stands for Dynamic Ad (p49) 3. Calculated dissemination
of untruths or contradictory messages with the intent to cause harm (p25) dissemination of untruths (not the same as answer 3) (p25)
7. Unintentional
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