Cambridge Edition January 2025 - Newsletter


 What is described in the following terms ‘Gules on a Cross Ermine between four Lions passant guardant Or a Bible fesswise Gules A. The coat of arms for Cambridge University B. The ornate gatehouse at Trinity College C. The original th-century King James Bible held in Cambridge University Library clasped and garnished Or the clasps in base’?  The Footlights is one of Britain’s oldest student sketch comedy troupes performing since June ‚‚ƒ Which university alumni are former members of it? A. Simon Bird, Olivia Colman and Hugh Laurie B. Tim Brooke-Taylor, John Cleese and Germaine Greer C. All of the above ƒ On the South Walk at Cambridge University Botanic Garden you can find a tree that is bricked up Why is this? A. To evade window tax B. To prevent it from rotting after losing a branch C. It conceals the skeleton of a witch’s cat ‡ The Cherry Hinton Chalk Pits at Limekiln Close are a popular Wildlife Trust reserve renowned for A. Building materials and lime quarried there until †‡ˆ B. A neolithic dinosaur fossil discovered in †‰Š C. Rare nightingales can be heard from January to June

. At which college would you find the famous Wren Library, designed by Christopher Wren in ? A. Trinity College B. Clare College C. St John’s College

Š Fitzbillies cake shop on Trumpington Street is worldŒfamous for its A. Marshmallow sundaes B. Sticky Chelsea buns C. Victoria sponge cakes Ž Girton ‘ the UK’s first residential institution for women’s universityŒlevel education from ‚Š“ ‘ has a small museum called the Lawrence Room housing A. A white marble bust of Queen Victoria by Sir Alfred Gilbert RA, from ‡‡ B. An Igbo maiden spirit mask from Nigeria, presented by Northcote Thomas circa †ˆ C. A Roman portrait mummy of Hermione, a teacher, dating from the first century AD ‚ Where would you find ‘the armadillo’ in Cambridge? A. On Midsummer Common – the nickname for a copper- roofed eco toilet block B. The Schlumberger Gould Research Centre, Madingley C. The University Museum of Zoology on Trumpington Street

famous letter carver and typeface designer who had a workshop in Barton His name was A. Peter Kindersley B. Christopher Dorling C. David Kindersley  Cambridge Biomedical Campus is the largest centre of medical research and health science in Europe What are they planning to build there in the next decade? A. Two new hospitals B. A mountain research facility C. A specialist cycling injuries department

 How many bridges are

there over the River Cam in Cambridge– and which is over the original Roman river crossing?

A. ‰; The Bridge of Sighs B. š‰; Trinity Bridge C. ‰6; Magdalene Bridge

ƒ At which college did Cambridge alumnus Charles Darwin undertake his studies? A. Corpus Christi College

“ Cambridge street signs use typography introduced by a

B. Christ’s College C. Trinity College

™ What key role does the šŒacre Parker’s Piece play in football’s history? A. The Cambridge University Football Club Laws were first used here B. It was home to the FA Cup Final in ‡‰ C. It was the first football ground in England, opened in ‡ˆš

‡ Where would you find the new permanent Antony Gormley sculpture True dedicated to Alan Turing standing at ƒŽm tall and made from ‡™mmŒthick rolled Corten steel? A. Kettle’s Yard

Test your Cambridge

knowledge with our brainteasers. Explore the local lore, from streets to sculptures

B. Market Square C. King’s College


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