Definition September 2024 - Newsletter


Def: What is it that makes a good colourist, in your opinion? NL: The ability to truly listen to the needs and vision of the clients, and the gift of being able to translate their desired palette into a stunning digital painting. Def: What’s been your proudest career moment so far, and why? NL: In retrospect, I am probably most proud of being hired as George Lucas’ first digital intermediate colourist to work on Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones , and then to continue remastering older titles for him including THX 1138 (1971). It was my first job ever working as a colourist in the US, and he was so kind and creative. He made me feel very welcome. This was also extremely exciting because it was during a time when the digital intermediates were only just beginning. Def: How about your biggest career hurdle, and how did you overcome it? NL: In all honesty, my biggest career hurdle is not one that can be overcome. It has been my gender. I hope that it will be different for the next generation! Def: What excites you about your career now? NL: So much! I find every new project to be the most exciting one because I never stop learning.

Def: In your view, what are the biggest challenges currently facing the industry? NL: We are in unprecedented times with the lack of production. I am crossing my fingers and toes that an improvement is on the immediate horizon. Def: What is your number one piece of advice for somebody hoping to break into the industry, or follow a similar career trajectory to yours? NL: My humble advice would be to focus on the learning and not the outcome.

HUE DILIGENCE Stills from electronic music artist Anyma’s Dolby Atmos Music project, Eternity, a recent job for Leonnet



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