Definition September 2024 - Newsletter


but also when you need advice on where to get started. Within the fast- moving production world, it’s crucial for filmmakers that rental companies have the infrastructure in place. The company should allow you to physically test the equipment as well. At Panavision, we have dedicated testing rooms for filmmakers to make sure they have exactly what they need before any shoot, whether it’s for short-form commercials or long-form feature films. The equipment is prepped in the test room by our camera equipment team before the crew’s arrival, and our technical team are there to lend their extensive, having the latest and greatest equipment is only part of the equation. The guidance we offer is a huge part of why filmmakers choose us: from the moment you reach out, our experienced team will guide you through every step, offering expert advice and ensuring compatibility with your existing gear. We understand that preparation is key to a successful shoot – and that’s why we meticulously check every piece of equipment before it leaves our premises, and again upon its return. This rigorous process ensures that our gear is always in top-notch condition. We want you to focus on your creative vision, safe in the expertise and support if needed. Matt Beard: While our range is GET HANDS-ON Panavision encourages any potential renters to find a company that lets you test gear ahead of shooting

knowledge that your equipment needs are completely covered. Def: What advice would you give filmmakers navigating the process of renting equipment for the first time? MC: Look for a rental company that’s approachable, pays attention to detail and has a good range of accessories available. When you’re first starting out in the industry, you might not have a large budget to work with, so choosing a company that’s able to understand your needs is crucial. They can work with you to create a package that will still give you the look you’re after, but within budget. Sometimes, the cheapest option is not always the best way forward, as that rental house may not offer the customer support you’ll realistically need. This can be crucial on a project when you might need to lean on the advice and expertise of a technical team. At Panavision, our prep team, film and digital engineers and lens technician experts are available to support around the clock, no matter the budget. JA: If you are renting equipment for the first time, don’t be afraid of not knowing everything. Tell the person you are speaking to that you haven’t rented equipment before and will need some help. By doing this, the company will be able to ask you more questions, so you end up getting exactly what you need. MP: I recommend reaching out and collaborating with industry experts from

the start. This will allow you to gain a deeper understanding of the equipment available in the market and how it can be used on-set. Establish a relationship with a reliable rental company that can offer guidance and support throughout the rental process, making the entire experience smoother and more efficient. At Sunbelt Rentals, we’re keen to share our knowledge and provide resources to the industry through panel discussions, partnerships and case studies which showcase the potential of traditional and sustainable equipment options. I would also recommend making the switch to sustainable solutions whenever possible. This doesn’t just benefit our planet, but using eco-friendly innovations such as battery storage technology can lead to long-term commercial cost savings for your production. MB: Hiring equipment puts you in the unique position of being able to take multiple cameras and equipment for a spin in a relatively risk-free fashion, without having to part with large sums of cash – only to find you aren’t quite happy with what you decided to buy. Similarly, we find that a large proportion of clients hire kit for a day or two in advance of their shoot date. Committing to a relatively small outlay to give yourself time to familiarise and get comfortable with equipment pays off in the long run. Finally, at least where Hireacamera is concerned, have no fear if you aren’t completely sure what you want; never be afraid to ask for advice and recommendations. We have a



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