FEED Autumn 2024 Newsletter


ERIC TANG: Today’s audiences demand more live and interactive content experiences than ever. As media content increases in scale, video quality and depth of data, storage requirements are expanding rapidly. Agile, high-performance video streaming and storage solutions that can keep up with these demands are a must. Forward-thinking players in the industry are actively responding to this challenge by adopting innovative streaming solutions designed to handle large volumes of content more efficiently and affordably. These solutions not only offer the scalability needed for growing data demands, but also incorporate cost-effective and environmentally friendly approaches. By favouring a distributed network approach to video transcoding, delivery and storage, a wide range of established and emerging streaming businesses can grow and experiment without taking financial risks. SAM PETERSON: As audience demand for high- resolution content grows, the industry must invest in high-performance storage solutions if it wants to keep up. This includes leveraging advanced technologies like SSDs (solid-state drive), NVMe (non-volatile memory express) storage and high- bandwidth data-transfer protocols. Furthermore, industry standards and best practices need to be continually updated to keep pace with technological advancements in storage and ensure compatibility across various platforms and devices. Investing in workforce training to keep up with these rapidly developing technologies will also be vital. Companies need to balance capital

expenditure (capex) and operational expenditure (opex) to adapt to any changing demands. For example, expenditure on cloud storage can, in some cases, be classed as opex as it is purchased as needed, which can help balance budgets and remain competitive. Collaborative efforts with customers to anticipate and plan for future storage needs are crucial for staying ahead in this dynamic landscape. By maintaining a proactive approach and using the right storage tech, the industry is able to match rising audience demands.


ROBERT SZABÓ-ROWE: AI has brought a new dimension to storage, especially in the area of content categorisation and management. Traditionally, broadcasters have relied on manual tagging to organise their media assets, which can be time-consuming and error-prone. With AI, this process can be automated, allowing broadcasters to tag and categorise vast amounts of content without human intervention. AI can analyse media files at a granular level, identifying content as well as specific elements within each frame, such as moments in a football game or scenes in a movie. This automated tagging is a game changer because it makes content retrieval much

The industry must invest in high- performance storage


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