FEED Autumn 2024 Newsletter

changes to existing infrastructures. By providing advanced GenAI accelerators, Qvest helps media companies unlock the full potential of generative AI to raise efficiency, productivity and creativity – and to enhance and grow their business. THREE KEY FIELDS In historical terms, it’s early days for GenAI in broadcast and media. Nonetheless, Qvest has a clear sense of the main areas where its benefit will be most pronounced, described by Laarmann as ‘the three key fields.’ “One would be enhancing engagement and monetisation,” he highlights. “By creating better products [with GenAI] that might be more personalised and targeted – and have a faster time to market, of course – that will increase revenue for our customers.” “The media market is changing rapidly through the consolidation of companies, and that means many organisations are needing to reinvent their business models,” adds Koch. “Consequently, there’s a big requirement for the diversification of content, therefore it needs to be more personalised than ever before.”

The second key field is productivity. “A lot of manual work could be easily automated in a way that would boost productivity,” points out Laarmann. “I’m thinking about tasks such as discovering content, creating content and ensuring compliance as well as security. Those types of productivity tasks are classic candidates for applying AI.” The third and final key field is the generation of insight drawn from metadata: “Making use of the metadata, running analysis on that, and then aggregating insights that we couldn’t obtain before is a really significant step forward.” AI TOOLKITS In the meantime, AI specialists at Qvest will continue to work at full speed. In addition to expanding the range of GenAI accelerators, there are plans to enter into further industry partnerships. A start- up toolkit for Applied AI is being developed, which Koch describes as an ‘integrator of various tools that bundles them together.’ “Using partner platform qibb as a workflow orchestrator, this kit can easily combine customised media

workflows created with dozens of pre-integrated AI tools,” he explains. Find out more about this kit, and other Qvest solutions, and use cases for Applied AI which enhance efficiency, accelerate processes and spark creativity when Qvest exhibits at IBC 2024 (Hall 10, Booth C24). As the GenAI revolution intensifies, Qvest is ready to assist with every stage of development and implementation. “We have the end-to-end process covered now – from identifying customer needs, use cases, technologies and trends in the media industry to bringing them into an innovation strategy, then on to developing new services and products in a customer-centric way,” concludes Koch. “We look forward to discussing all this with existing and prospective customers at IBC 2024.” See you there! Qvest’s white paper on GenAI, The Rise of Generative AI in Media and Entertainment, can be downloaded online. PLEASE CLICK HERE TO



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