FEED Autumn 2024 Newsletter


06 Newsfeed

The latest scoops in media tech, featuring everything from fresh product launches to major mergers

18 Happening: IBC

The doors of Amsterdam’s RAI are soon to be opened once again. Here’s our guide to what this year’s show has in store


26 Monetisation

Creating hordes of content to feed hungry audiences is one thing, but profiting from it in every feasible way is quite another

40 Genius Interview


Chloé Rochereuil is co-founder of VR content creation company Targo. She shares insights on immersive content’s growing popularity

96 Sports Reporter

60 Masterclass: Storage special This issue’s panel shares its expertise on the impact of storage on M&E, and why a sturdy set-up is more important than ever before 48 Sustainability Spotlight Neal Romanek gets talking to Altman Solon, analysing the reality behind M&E’s unsteady green trajectory 70 Social media and politics Amid a run of earth-shifting elections this year, Katie Kasperson highlights the true depth of social media’s influence 80 Happening: Be You festival Soho Media Club’s annual Be You festival pools an array of speakers debating key DEI issues faced by UK media 90 FEED Honours List A special announcement from FEED – the launch of our annual Honours List, which celebrates industry talent and success

Following 2024’s summer of sport, we bring the biggest news bulletins from this crucial division of broadcast media

108 Happening: France TV

In the midst of Paris 2024, FEED went behind the scenes of France TV HQ, getting the inside scoop on delivering a host broadcast

114 Euro 2024

The men’s Uefa Euro 2024 tournament has been and gone, but the technical innovations it delivered have left a lasting legacy

128 Artificial intelligence

AI is making an impression on every area of media. Adrian Pennington explores how it’s proving a slam dunk for sports

START-UP SNAPSHOTS 39 Tight AV 67 Imaginario AI

77 Peakmetrics 127 Sportvot


16 Sony 23 Cobalt 24 Zixi

38 Yospace 46 Tata Comms 55 Brainstorm

56 Qvest 68 MPB 78 CVP

85 Vizrt 86 Lawo 88 Atomos

102 Ross Video 104 Panasonic 113 EVS

122 Sony 124 Harmonic

126 Friend MTS 136 Riedel


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