FEED Autumn 2024 Newsletter

PLACEMENT PERFECTION Ad-insertion technology has also advanced significantly in recent years, enabling ads to be carefully curated to fit both content and audience. “Ad insertion can be handled on either the server side (SSAI) or client side (CSAI),” explains Mathias Guille, VP of cloud platform at Broadpeak. “With SSAI, ads are stitched into the video stream on the server before delivery to the viewer. CSAI inserts the ads on the client device.” “SSAI is good for the user experience as it eliminates buffering and latency, allowing the streamer to update ads in real time to make smarter decisions about ad delivery,” adds Dembowski. “CSAI allows advertisers to access data for personalisation, giving them more control.” Guille sees greater momentum behind SSAI as it is easier to use across multiple platforms. It’s also resistant to ad blocking because the ads are indistinguishable from the content. “The best type of architecture is SSAI boosted by client-side ad tracking (CSAT), which empowers service providers to track the ads from the client’s perspective,” he says. “This allows for the highest monetisation possible; some demand-side platforms only bid on programmatic if the platforms use CSAT.” SSAI also enables spot-to-spot replacement, which can replace individual spots within an ad break rather than the whole break, enabling an even more granular approach, Guille describes. “In addition to collecting detailed viewer information – which can be leveraged to deliver highly targeted ad experiences – FAST platforms also collect in-depth analytics and metrics. This allows advertisers to track the impact of campaigns in real time and make rapid tweaks in response to viewer behaviour,” says Pawan Wankhede, UK managing director of LS Digital. “So, we’re likely to

SPOT-ON DELIVERY Broadpeak’s approach optimises revenue by

balancing user experience with ad tracking

REVIVING THE FLAGGING CUSTOMER Acquiring new customers can cost five times as much as retaining existing ones. Paolo Cuttorelli, SVP of global sales at Evergent, offers some tips on customer retention. Be proactive. Using advanced analytics and AI to predict potential subscriber cancellations enables platforms to intervene with personalised retention strategies, such as tailored content recommendations and attractive offers to at-risk subscribers. Get personal. Understanding the reasons behind potential cancellations enables the development of more effective retention strategies, including automated personalised incentives. Evergent has worked with a world- leading basketball league that cut cancellations by 20% on its direct-to-consumer streaming service through personalised offers. Power to the customer. Features such as pause and resume allow viewers to manage their subscriptions according to their own schedules without the hassle of cancelling and re-subscribing. In addition, tailored subscriptions and match-choice products for sports let fans choose and pay for the content that suits them best. Involuntary churn. A quarter of recurring payment collections fail due to processing errors, insufficient funds or changed card information. AI-backed intelligent payment retry engines can recover at-risk revenues and significantly improve customer lifetime value.

FAR-REACHING BENEFITS International companies can use Evergent’s EMP to enhance their strategies across different markets


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