FEED Autumn 2024 Newsletter

ABOVE THE ACTION Aerial footage from helicopters added an additional layer of visual storytelling to enhance the overall broadcast experience for fans

Aerial coverage proved a massive component of the 2024 Euros, with EMG/Gravity Media also providing live helicopter 1080p HDR aerial coverage for all matches – from the opener to the final. All six helicopters were fitted with the latest UHD HDR stabilised camera gimbals. These were regionally sourced to keep flying to a minimum, in line with EMG/Gravity Media’s offsetting initiative.

in traffic that advertisers are going to pay the big bucks for. “One of the biggest challenges is that everyone is talking about streaming and the need to use advertising to drive successful business,” Davies explains. “But, if you cannot handle the scale we see at the Euros, that’s a fundamental problem. “Awareness of the challenges is key,” he concludes. “Many streaming companies are at different stages of their advertising journeys, whereas some sports rightsholders have been working on this at scale for years.” HELLO HYBRID There’s nothing sports rightsholders and leagues love more than a rock-solid broadcast infrastructure. This is no less true for Uefa, so the newly merged EMG/Gravity Media took a leading role in this department, delivering an advanced broadcast infrastructure for both Uefa and a number of international broadcasters – including the UK’s ITV, Dutch public broadcaster NOS and Australia’s Optus Sport. Among the delivery of many technical assets, EMG/Gravity Media also provided four OB trucks and RF equipment for the ten matches held at the Cologne Stadium and Düsseldorf Arena. “For Uefa, the team delivered technical operation centres, FanTV solutions and live helicopter aerials across each of the ten venues in Germany. The FanTV solution involved the efforts of seven entities within the group, coming together as one,” comments international sales operations director at EMG, Xavier Devreker.

The workflow for the 1080p production was designed around a reverse remote production model, with a remote gallery and mini MCR set-up in Berlin along with studio and commentary positions. The two presentation areas were fitted out with nine cameras between them, while on-site were a vision mixer, PA, producer, autocue op plus a small tech and lighting team. Most of the kit underpinning this set-up – including EVS replay, sound and graphics – were all based in London, with the locations linked together by low-latency 10Gb diverse paths. A SPORTS MEDIA MILESTONE Whether it’s advertising advancements or game-changing XR and AR deployments, this Euro tournament


exemplified the defined lead the sports industry has when it comes to live broadcast innovation. With reduced carbon footprints and hybrid productions serving as two key driving forces for the broadcasters’ planning of the event, it will be exciting to see what next year’s women’s Euros will bring to the table. Watch this space!


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