Definition September 2024 - Web


With our industry’s environmental responsibility at the forefront, we hear about the studios leading the way in driving change SUSTAINABLE STUDIO SPOTLIGHTS

3 Mills Studios

“We eat, sleep and film on this world, making stories about it and the people that live on it. For too long we have taken advantage of it, and now the dystopian, apocalyptic films we watch feel a bit closer to reality. We all have to do our bit to stop that from happening; that includes everyone in this industry chipping in. Any efforts we can make at 3 Mills, we are more than willing to do.” The team acknowledges that the journey towards sustainability can be fraught with challenges, particularly when it comes to time and cost. Implementing sustainable practices – such as transitioning to LED lighting, greening the studio site, collaborating with local sustainable suppliers and minimising waste – are time intensive and financially demanding. And these changes, while beneficial in the long

run, can initially strain short-term profits, making them a tough sell, says the team. Despite these obstacles, 3 Mills Studios remains steadfast, focusing on impactful operations and supporting their production clients in adopting sustainable practices. “Both are key for shifting towards a better future for the industry,” de Carvalho stresses. “Our focus is on how we can make the most impact in our operations, and how we can help clients make big impacts with their sustainability efforts.” One significant step towards this goal has been an involvement with the BAFTA albert Studio Sustainability Standard, which 3 Mills has been part of from the get-go. “Working with albert meant we could establish a baseline mark from which to start our sustainability journey, acting as a useful measure for

C ommitted to providing top-notch production facilities without the extortionate cost to the planet, sustainability is at the heart of 3 Mills Studios’ operations. Nestled within the Three Mills Conservation Area in east London, the 250-year-old site contains several listed buildings as part of the studio campus, and makes use of converted warehouses as sound stages. The thoughtful use of existing structures means they have had to build very little to make their impressive production destination, keeping embedded emissions to a minimum. “Our efforts are purely born from a place of wanting to be a responsible business, better for the planet,” sums up general manager Paul de Carvalho.



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