Definition September 2024 - Web



An award-winning colourist with more than 20 years of experience, Natasha Leonnet currently works at Picture Shop and has graded films such as Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018) , Candyman (2021) and Mulan (2020). She’s also part of the judging panel for the FilmLight Colour Awards 2024. We sat down with her to hear about her career highs, hurdles and the best advice for a budding colourist

Definition: What initially appealed to you about becoming a colourist, and what was your route in? Natasha Leonnet: What appealed most to me was helping to cement the relationship between emotion and colour in the visual storytelling process. I started out as a post-production supervisor working in Prague, where I met colourist Biggi Klier at ARRI in Munich; she completely inspired me, and her work made me feel like there was nothing else I ever wanted to pursue in terms of my career.

Def: What’s your relationship to colour, and how has this changed throughout your career? NL: If anything, as my career progresses, I grow more passionate about the medium of colour each year! Def: How would you describe the dynamic between colourist and DOP? NL: In my experience, a colourist’s job is to support and continue the cinematographer’s vision to the final frame. Hopefully, that work will look as beautiful as what they imagined – if not more. In terms of my experience on the

evolution of colour correction, colourists are being brought in earlier than ever for the look development process to help create LUTs and consult on colour palettes. These additions have greatly enriched my work. Def: What will you be looking for in FilmLight Colour Awards entries? NL: It was an absolute honour when FilmLight asked me to participate as a judge for their awards. I will be looking for technical fluency, superb continuity, beauty and creativity.



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