Definition September 2024 - Web

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EDITORIAL Editor in chief Nicola Foley

Senior staff writer Katie Kasperson Chief sub editor Matthew Winney Sub editor Minhaj Zia Junior sub editor Molly Constanti Editorial director Roger Payne Contributors Adrian Pennington, Phil Rhodes, Oliver Webb ADVERTISING Sales director Sam Scott-Smith 01223 499457 Sales manager Emma Stevens 01223 499462 | +447376665779 DESIGN Design director Andy Jennings Magazine design manager Lucy Woolcomb Junior designer Hedzlynn Kamaruzzaman Junior designer and ad production Holly May PUBLISHING Managing directors Andy Brogden & Matt Pluck Bright Publishing LTD Bright House, 82 High Street, Sawston, Cambridgeshire, CB22 3HJ, UK Definition is published monthly by Bright Publishing Ltd, Bright House, 82 High Street, Sawston, Cambridge, CB22 3HJ. No part of this magazine can be used without prior written permission of Bright Publishing Ltd. Definition is a registered trademark of Bright Publishing Ltd. The advertisements published in Definition that have been written, designed or produced by employees of Bright Publishing Ltd remain the copyright of Bright Publishing Ltd and may not be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher. The content of this publication does not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher. Prices quoted in sterling, euros and US dollars are street prices, without tax, where available or converted using the exchange rate on the day the magazine went to press.

A s a die-hard Game of Thrones fan, I’m pretty excited that we’re heading to Westeros this issue, sitting down with DOP Vanja Cernjul to learn about the tricks and tools at play on the new season of House of the Dragon . As you’d expect, a show of this scale and ambition (not to mention budget) presented plenty of creative opportunities, but also a fair few challenges during production. Dive into the weather woes, mechanical bull-wrangling, pyrotechnic stunts and VFX wizardry on page 6. We’re also venturing to a galaxy far, far away with Chris Teague, DOP on the new Star Wars spin-off The Acolyte . The franchise’s other TV offerings have embraced flashy virtual production tech, but this series bucks the trend with a back-to-basics approach, paying tribute to the original films’ lived-in, gritty aesthetic. Teague talks inspirations, influences and the show’s ‘musical rhythm’ on page 18. Speaking of musical rhythm, we revisit one of the best concert films of all time in this issue: Jonathan Demme’s iconic Stop Making Sense . Capturing Talking Heads frontman David Byrne at the peak of his powers, this stylish, boundary-pushing film raised the bar in the eighties and remains a favourite to this day. We find out how it all came together in this month’s Take Two on page 59. Most filmmakers have hired equipment at one point or another – but beyond the inventory, how do you choose who to work with when renting? What support and training should be on offer to help you get to grips with your new gear? We round up a panel of rental gurus to discuss these points and many more in our round table on page 32. Enjoy the issue and see you next month!

Editor in chief






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