Cambridge Edition February 2019


“We’re looking at mental and emotional health”

allowed conversational skills to flourish among students. “You can see pupils sitting round talking to each other again. They have been very positive about supporting it,” says Helen. The Perse Prep, too, is very clear on the benefits – and limitations – of technology. While it can be incredibly useful, the most crucial element in the classroom is the teacher, says James. “It’s the values at a very impressionable age that are going to be key,” he says. “I say to prospective parents that you won’t remember a single lesson from when you were at school, but I guarantee you’ll remember your teachers, because they are role models.” He describes the importance, not just of exam qualifications, which ‘get your brain thinking’, but of being part of a warm and happy school community where heart and head are both fully engaged. Traditional though this may sound, it remains crucial to preparing children for the future. No school can educate a child to out-calculate highly advanced robots and AI. However, what they can do is provide a holistic approach. One that gives pupils not just the exam results they need, but also the ability to take on and enjoy the challenge of building a full and fulfilling life in a rapidly changing world with confidence and success. l


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