FEED Issue 12


“Global news agencies are seeing great advantages with these new tools,” says Almond, “as well as broadcasters with journalists in the field, it’s also newspapers. They are online content providers who have an online audience, so they’re now seeing the benefits of operating with a news production system, as well.” NEW DEMANDS Without a good technology solution, these new newsrooms could collapse under the demands being placed on them. There is simply too much information and too

many potential stories to tell to rely on linear workflows. Cloud technologies are hugely scalable and can offer the same sets of tools to multiple journalists and newsrooms, with varying degrees of permissions and customisations, allowing for a synergy of collaboration. These tools also make it easier to push out stories to multiple online platforms, whether publishing to your own website, to social media outlets or to broadcast TV. “Go back 30-odd years and you had a choice of just four TV channels,” Almond notes. “Now it’s millions of different outlets.

You need to get your content out to multiple platforms. “The thing is, your budget is not going to increase necessarily. If you take a venture into a new system, you’re looking for a ROI, whether that’s to get new audiences or hire more journalists, but there needs to be a benefit. The world is changing fast. We want to enable journalists to report from wherever the story breaks.”

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