FEED WINTER 2021 – Web


The smartDASH not only offers a comprehensive overview, but does so in real time, covering all bases

Additionally, highly specialised digital tools are required to cover any area of the operation likely to pose a risk of service disruption. A workflow revision will not only provide the information when it is most needed, but also capture it on an ongoing basis, as well as providing the ability to automate diagnostic processes that currently lie with engineering specialists. These technologies need to be agile and robust, working around the clock to capture information and, based on a series of algorithms, convert that into an actionable response. LOOKING SMART With a converging IP infrastructure comes the need for a unified presentation of the operation, as well as a deep analytical understanding of the media essence flows. One user puts it like this: “We need a system that is always on and looking at everything. It needs the insight of a broadcast engineer, as well as a network engineer, to keep both sides of the operation transparent.” Shedding light on the data

enterprise software suite, designed to provide full network and media visibility across an all-IP, all-SDI or hybrid WAN/LAN broadcast infrastructure. The SMART portfolio is commercially flexible to fit into any customer ’s budget, and recognised for the value it brings to the operation, whether in OB trucks, studio builds or facility rebuild projects. Add to that the increasingly competitive nature of the professional TV sector and it becomes clear why broadcast facilities need to be more creative in their capital investments. End customers are all but encouraged to cut the cord, affecting the bottom line of traditional subscription-based TV packages. The SMART solution is comprised of two complementary applications: smartDASH and smartSCOPE. As the operator interface, smartDASH provides a geospatial view of the LAN and WAN, ie where the devices sit on the network and how they are interconnected. It is accompanied by smartSCOPE, the technology that performs deep packet inspection into the characteristics and signature of the media as it flows across the network. The SMART environment provides a real-time view of how the network is operating. The integration of different third-party systems and the implementation of complex workflows has created a real need for a robust troubleshooting and monitoring system. Investing in one would be the smart thing to do.

packet darkness, while keeping users informed of the network status, Lawo’s SMART product line qualifies as an essential part of any IP broadcast operation. SMART (System Monitoring and Realtime Telemetry) is a vendor-agnostic



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